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A digital institute serving innovation in Eastern France for the construction industry

In October 2023, the Build & Connect pole, with the support of the Grand Est Region (Eastern France), launched the Institute of Digital in Construction. Based in Strasbourg, this national initiative aims to put digital at the service of sustainable innovation and performance for the construction industry.

Accelerate the digitisation of the construction sector

The Institute’s vocation is to bring together pioneers who want to make things happen, investors who are able to accompany them. And actors who want to accelerate on digital. We want to create an ecosystem of sharing and exchanges to move towards transformation“. Rémi Dornier, President of the Institute of Digital in Construction, explained during its launch last October.

By bringing together industry experts, researchers, construction professionals and builders, the Institute of Digital in Construction is actively involved in exploring the role of digital in construction.

In concrete terms, the structure created by the Build & Connect Pole should inspire, incubate, train and promote the use of digital in the construction sector. The Institute aims to be a place of experimentation, testing for new projects, and developing mutual R&D services for the construction industry.

Placed under the auspices of the Dassault Systems Group, the institute will also be at the origin of innovative training course

The Institute of digital construction, a significant and pioneering role in France

France has a major asset to play in construction. With 472,000 companies, 3 of the 10 European leaders who are also world champions, we can make France a pole of excellence in the field of construction,” explained Rémi Dornier.

The Build & Connect Pole has been engaged in sustainable construction for many years and organizes a bi-annual symposium dedicated to the topic. Attached to the Build & Connect pole, the Institut du digital dans la construction is part of this continuity with the support of the Grand Est Region. It will benefit from the expertise of the Innovation Competitiveness Hub and will be the arm of the Digital Hub. It is expected to increase the number of research projects in these areas.

Today, digitization appears as an indispensable and necessary element for the modernization of construction. Eastern France aspires to become a digital model for the construction sector in France.

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